
Budget benefit 2018 dredging
Budget benefit 2018 dredging

There is a worldwide trend to diminish the harmful effect of dredgers’ atmospheric pollution, adopting LNG as fuel, for which reason this study analyzes the atmospheric and economic benefits of this energy transition solution. This is the second largest dredging operation of its kind at global level. This will make it possible to increase, and afterwards maintain, the width, depth and buoying of the waterways needed to allow some 6,000 ships to circulate with imports and exports from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. In November 2020, the Argentine government launched the bidding process for the new Dredging and Buoying Concession for the inland waterway on the Paraná and Rio de la Plata rivers up to where the latter empties into the Atlantic Ocean. Key words: Dredging, Marine LNG, Atmospheric Impact, Economic impact. The origin of these savings is 48% Operational (reduced fuel cost) and 52% external cost mainly due to the reduced impact in Public Health Budget. The economic impact is estimated in savings of 14% of Dredging Cost: 665 Million Dollars (MMUsd), over the 15 years of operation. The use of BioLNG would reduce 99% (60,000 Tons/yr), including as well the planetary impact of CO2.

budget benefit 2018 dredging

From the emissions point of view, LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) would reduce 23%, mainly those (NOx, SOx and PM) affecting the coastal population health. This paper takes a 2021 Argentine case to show the atmospheric and economic impacts of using LNG fueled dredgers in the second largest worldwide operation of its kind about to start in Rio de la Plata.

Budget benefit 2018 dredging